Monday, May 24, 2010

New Teatament Christian's believe the NT throws out everything from the Old Testament except for the 10 C's

The why do Christian's eat pig when the bible forbids it was an interesting question, but many of the Christian respondents stated that only the New Testament matters, yet I'm told right here in YA by Christian's that of course their faith includes both old and new T. The NT Christian's are a very difficult group to get along with; very pick and choose in their beliefs.

New Teatament Christian's believe the NT throws out everything from the Old Testament except for the 10 C's
The Old Testament and New Testament are all the word of God and nothing is dismissed. Those who have accepted the atonement of Christ no longer live as if they have not. We are New creatures by faith and are no longer under any law including the ten commandments. We have the law in our hearts and are taught to go beyond the letter of the law.Many laws pertained to the coming of the Messiah and he has come we do not live as if he has not or as if it has had no effect. We no longer sacrifice because he paid the sacrifice and those laws have been fulfilled. We can eat any food because all food has been made clean.We do not practice the Sabbath because it pertains to the day of the lord and by faith we live in that day. We believe that the atonement has fulfilled the law and we who are dead to sin are new creatures in Christ.
Reply:I explained to another question about the pork thing. As far as the OT is concerned, you're correct in some ways. There are still laws that applied to the Israelites and applies modern Judaism which carries over into the New Testament. Just have to research the ones which apply to Christianity.
Reply:Church people know very little of the Bible.

The reason they don't like the Old Testament is cause of the behavior and emotional problems of that God, and they get all embarrassed and have to dance around the questions; but God supposedly never changes, so if he seemed weird then, it stands to reason that he still seems weird.

Asking church people questions about the Bible is at times frustrating and at times laughable.

As for eating pig they say that the vision of the carpet coming down whereon were all sorts of meat were displayed and God said "Eat!" means it's okay to eat swine's flesh.

This is another example of their biblical ignorance. That vision was to show the missionaries that they can now go unto the Gentile with the gospel and no longer limit it to the Jew. As for pig it is just as unclean as it ever was. (Remember when Jesus wanted to cast devils out of a man? He cast them into a herd of pigs -- why, cause he knew nobody in their right mind would eat the flesh of pigs. He never would have cast demons into that which is fit for human consumption.)

Church people like for God to change his mind when it's convenient for them.
Reply:The bible at 2 Tim 3:16 says ALL scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. But that also means that the scripture in the NT where God gives permission to eat all foods is also valid.

1 Tim 4:4 However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, 2 by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; 3 forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth. 4 The reason for this is that every creation of God is fine, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is sanctified through God’s word and prayer over [it].
Reply:EXACTLY! that's what they do they pick and choose. It is a lie that Jesus nullified the Torah. He did the opposite. He confirmed it. He said in Matthew 5:17-18: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

They say that the OT is the word of God but then they deny it. The reality is that their theology is the 'word of God' and the Bible is merely a sourcebook with which they can confirm their doctrine. If it contradicts their doctrine, then that part was 'done away with'. It's truly sick. If you want to serve God, then do what He says, for pete's sake. yeah, i'm done gabbing for now.
Reply:The Jews under the Mosiac Law Covenant were forbidden to eat pig. Jesus the Christ did away with the Mosaic Covenant and thus the law had ended. The Bible is however written with a cohesive theme from the beginning to end and in order to fully gain God's acceptance, we need to recognise that all of it, not just part of it was written for our benefit and we would be wise to follow it with the knowledge that God knows what is best for us.
Reply:You are correct, most Christians pick and choose their beliefs from the old testament. Many of the Levitical laws are ignored by modern Christians such as not eating shellfish or not wearing clothing made of two different kinds of cloth.
Reply:Friend, I am a Christian, %26amp; have been one for over 36 yrs. I do have a litle knowledge on the bible, The Old testament was a type %26amp; shadow of things to come, Yes, there was actual events in the Old testament, But it seems like all you are trying to do is stay in the Old Testament %26amp; ignore the new. Now if you want to believe in the laws of the Old testament that is your priveledge, But read Romans 8:1 There is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Now since you like to read %26amp; quote, read verse 2-16 %26amp; now let's go to Romans, Again, Now I can sit here all day %26amp; give you scriptures concerning the old %26amp; new testament, But if you can't believe one then you won't believe anything else I give you, You sound like your mind is very much settle on your thinking %26amp; yet you don't have a complete picture to think upon. Romans 10:4 For Christ is the (WHAT?) The end of the LAW for righteousness to (every ONE) %26amp; not just some, that believeth.
Reply:In the new test it states that everything is lawful but not everything is for your benefit. (I would look it up to tell you the exact verse but I am to damn lazy) that is how they get around that issue. The old testament teaches history and we all know that history has a way of repeating its self if not stopped....that's how they get around that.

As far as believing different things and picking and choosing....You are so right. This is what took me away from it all. I realized that if "God" was real and really loves us then he would make things crystal clear for everyone to see without any room for debate!
Reply:Your first statement isn't true, because I am a christian, and I don't only believe in the ten commandments of the OT. There are a TON of great things, commandments, morals to stories, etc, to be had and learned from. How about the book of proverbs, LOL, that is full of helpful stuff, even if you were NOT a christian. I am not sure your question has a lot of validity, it is just not based in fact. Sorry, not trying to offend, just correct you on your misunderstanding, whether it may be intentional or not.
Reply:WOW, you are quite unlearned here in this, I see.



(chew on that a bit, it may take a while).

ALL of SCRIPTURE "matters" to a good, Christ centered Christian! OLD T is JUST AS important as the NT.

The "LAW: Torah" was given for the sole purpose of showing us (ALL people) that we could NEVER possibly attain to all the hundreds of different and very technical COMMANDS laid out in the OT. IT was a "type"... to show us that APART FROM ACCEPTING CHRIST, we can by NO MEANS be righteous in the sight of GOD without the blood of CHRIST......

YOU need to seek these things for yourself, by ONE: First of all, you need to decide whether or not you will accept Christs' call for the salvation of your soul....2) Read the Scripture EXHAUSTIVELY....bc' from all coincides with each other. It all fits cannot subtract any part from Genesis to Revelation, one needs the entire Canon to understand why there are "seemingly" varying hypocrisies. There are NO contradictions and you have to find that out for yourself, by "feeding" your own self with the WORD OF not rely on Y! A's to find spiritual meanings.
Reply:Moses gave good advice in the wilderness and he got half a million people through the wilderness with out an epidemic of any kind.

No one else is under any orders not to eat any thing. People are in sin and lack more in understanding than they realize.
Reply:You are referring to the food laws.In truth the law was given to convict men of their sin not deliver them from it.As to the food laws, at the time they were given don't you think they made perfect sense?A warm region near the sea.Trichinosis would occur quite often without refrigeration(pig are now raised on corn,they no longer scavenge).The shellfish ban too, raw sewage straight into the sea contaminates them.People still die from tainted shellfish.

Anyway we are not Jews and Christ taught that it was the belief in him that was important.We try to keep the law but some were definitely given for a reason and if that reason was alleviated then the law is not necessary.
Reply:you are right. as a follower of both new and old we do not celebrate the pagan traditions of xmas, easter,and halloween. we celebrate the Holy Days from the old testament. and we dont eat the unclean meats, like pork catfish and shellfish just to name a few. most Christians feel it is to hard to obey all of Gods laws. hear is a christian based church group that obeys the whole bible.
Reply:I am not sure of your question. The pig question is answered in several places, once by Jesus and once in Acts 10.

The OT combination of Commandments, Law, explanation, regulation, commentary, and social contract (Dt. has 3 sermons explicating such.) has a variety of interpretations. Part of the genius of the Christian faith is the ability of different socio-economic groups to gather w/ one another (Birds of a feather principle). The core belief uniting us is Christ and sometimes we agree on little else.

On a lesser scale, I KNOW Shaq is the best basketball player and it is difficult to get along w/ my neighbor who believes her son Marvin Williams is best.
Reply:No. It's not being difficult. It's being real, honest and straightforward (as opposed to the very, very frequent "islamic shuffle").

The major problem is that muslims ALWAYS focus on the PHYSICAL issues and NEVER on the SPIRITUAL. This leads me to believe that islam is PHYSICALLY based (or DEbased) while Christianity is SPIRITUALLY based. Huge difference.
Reply:I think we all can see who is difficult to get along with. God bless you, MERRY CHRISTMAS
Reply:The "laws" in the "old" Testament were given only to The Nation of Israel. When Christ came, and began hs personal instruction, the teachings he gave covered most of The Law... the dietary and priest laws, and some others, were no longer needed. All of the other Laws of God will be followed by Christians if we follow what Jesus commanded us to do. The True Christian Faith dose not "pick and choose" what laws to follow....many individuals do....unfortunatly.


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