Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our New First Family? minus the photos b/c i can't publish them here .?

Our New First Family?

Barack stands behind Kezia (stepmother) in a Kenyan family shot. (Including brother Abongo "Roy" Obama who is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." "Abongo's new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown with white trim and matching cap that so many of our guests mistook him for my father," Obama wrote in " Dreams From My Father"

"Barack Obama with his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, in Africa in 2004.

This is a lie!!!!

His maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who seems to be glaringly missing from the campaign trail spotlight. She is refusing to give interviews, citing poor health. I hope this isn't a ruse to keep her out of sight because she is White, Because photo ops of Obama and his white grandma might not be what the Obama camp wants, at this point in time. And the above picture is very telling. Published 8/16/06 with an article about a trip to Kenya in 2004, in the Chicago Suntimes, there's a picture (at least for now) of "Obama with his grandmother (a very black) Madelyn Dunham." None of Obama's people have asked for it to be removed or addressed the issue, considering the photo was supplied by the Obama family.

Below is the real grandmother Dunham with grandfather Stanley. Is Obama ashamed that he is half White or maybe he is just after the Black vote.

Just who you are, Barack? Are your an American who will work as President to improve America? Or are African and your Goals as President is to Improve Africa?

Will the real Barack (Barry) Hussein Obama (Soetoro) please stand up

The autobiographical narrative tells the story of the future Senator's life up to his entry in Harvard Law School. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Harvard University-educated economist Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., of Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas. At the time of Obama's birth, both his parents were students at the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Obama's parents separated when he was two years old and divorced when he was four. Obama formed an image of his absent father from stories told by his mother and her parents.

Ann Dunham Obama then married Big Oprah, an East-West Center student from Indonesia. The family moved to Jakarta. When Obama was ten, he returned to Hawaii under the care of his grandparents (and later his mother) for the better educational opportunities available in Hawaii. He was enrolled in the fifth grade at Punahou School, a private college-preparatory school where one of his teachers was the sister of Neal Boortz, the radio talk-show host. Obama was one of three Black students among the majority Asian-American population at that school. In an American school, Obama first became conscious of racism and what it means to be an African-American. At this point, his father came to visit him and his family; it was the last time that Obama would see him before his father's death in a car accident in 1982.

Upon finishing high school, Obama enrolled at Occidental College, where he describes living a "party" lifestyle of drug and alcohol use. He transferred to Columbia College at Columbia University, where he majored in political science. Upon graduation, he worked for a year in business. He then moved to Chicago, where he took up community organizing in the Altgeld Gardens housing project on the city's South Side. Obama recounts the difficulty of the experience, as his program faced resistance from entrenched community leaders. It was during his time spent here that Obama joined Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ

Before attending Harvard Law School, Obama decided to visit relatives in Kenya. He uses part of his experience there as the setting for the book's final, emotional scene. The book includes a good deal of reflection on race and race relations against white people in the United States.

Obama Pastor: 9/11 Wake Up Call For Whites

The following is from a pdf file of sermon from Barack Hussein Obama’s "spiritual mentor" as published in October 2003 issue of the Trinity United Church of Christ’s publication, "The Trumpet." (Published by the Reverend’s daughter.)

A Message From our PASTOR, Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor

In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just “disappeared” as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.

Reverent Wright is the man that Mr. Obama claims got him interested in politics. He speaks of him as his political father and even his surrogate father.

January 21, 2007

When he took over Trinity United Church of Christ in 1972, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. was a maverick pastor with a wardrobe of dashikis and a militant message…

Obama, was not a churchgoer at the time, but he found himself returning to the sanctuary of Trinity United. In Wright he had found both a spiritual mentor and a role model…

In his 1993 memoir "Dreams from My Father," Obama recounts in vivid detail his first meeting with Wright in 1985. The pastor warned the community activist that getting involved with Trinity might turn off other black clergy because of the church’s radical reputation.

When Obama sought his own church community, he felt increasingly at home at Trinity…

Later he would base his 2004 keynote speech to the Democratic National Convention on a Wright sermon called "Audacity to Hope," – also the inspiration for Obama’s second memoir, "The Audacity of Hope."

Wright cautioned Obama not to let politics change him.

Our New First Family? minus the photos b/c i can't publish them here .?
You raise excellent points. Senator Obama plays up his Black Kenyan family but does not mention that his Kenyan family is ethnically Arab not African and classified as such in the Kenyan census. Technically Senator Obama is an Arab American with a smattering of Black African blood, from which he gets his skin pigmentation.

To qualify for minority status under US Federal law, the person must be 1/8 or 12.5% ethnically of a designated minority. Senator Obama is 6.25% as his last 'Black African' forebearer was a great great great grandmother. The Senator is technically 50% Caucasian (mother), 43.75% Arab 6.25% Black African (father).

Senator Obama gulled Colombia to gain admission as an 'African American', then gulled Harvard Law to do the same, and so far has done a great job gulling the American voters.

Arab newspapers have proudly pointed this out in the past! Why do you think the Senator has had so much financial help from Arabs--Rezko, Al-Sammarae, Auchi?
Reply:I'll just typed madelyn dunham in the images search engine of yahoo and two pictures poped up, both from She must be the only person in the internet with that name. But there they are clear as day.

It is funny that you do not hear anything from half his family, the half he is not hitting up for donations.
Reply:His deceit ,will be brought to light. People in America are not stupid. the full truth will come full blown, then if people still vote for him. .they are crazy. Thanks for all this research. God Bless.
Reply:Interesting facts indeed.. I am surprised that Hillary does not pick up on it as if he is hiding his ethnicity then what else is he hiding?

But then there is the saying "Who ever expecting a Politician to be 100% honest with the American Public?". I think we all go to the polls hoping that we are voting for the best candidate and hoping nothing comes out of their background to make us ashamed of how we voted...
Reply:Barack Obama's Caucasian grandmother is an 85 year old widower. If she wants to stay out of the spotlight and says it's due to poor health, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

FYI, I just flipped through my yearbook and Punahou is not disproportionately Asian-American. There are also very few non-military African-Americans in Hawai'i. Is it really so surprising then, that he would be interested in experiencing African and African-American culture? He was raised in a predominantly White-Asian-Polynesian culture by his mother's side.

And does it really matter to most Americans (or even Barack Obama), whether he is half-white? All they SEE is a black man, so he is treated as such. Halle Berry's mother is white, but how many people consider Halle a black actress? One drop rule... We're lying to ourselves if we think we're anywhere near color-blind, as much as some of us would like to think we are.

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