Friday, July 31, 2009

On DNA is their a promoter section b4 every new gener b/c that would make sense?

b/c if there's a promoter and terminator b4 every gene it lets the ribosomes know when the mRNA is being translated that this is where the directions to make one protein start and this is where the directions to make one protein end?

On DNA is their a promoter section b4 every new gener b/c that would make sense?
a promoter has to do with transcription, not translation. The promoter is where RNA polymerase binds and starts making the mRNA. With a few exceptions, notably in bacteria where you frequently have polycistronic messages, all genes have their own promoter.

You are referring to translational start and stop sites. All mRNAs will have a translational start codon (AUG) that tells the ribosome where to start making the protein. They will also have a termination codon (UAA UAG UGA) that tells the ribosome where to stop. The exception to that rule is for noncoding RNAs, like tRNA and rRNA, among others.

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